Leininger's cross-cultural nursing in mitigating the problems of systemic arterial hypertension





Hypertension; Transcultural nursing; Primary health care.


Systemic Arterial Hypertension (SAH) is one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, being classified as a public health problem. According to Leininger's Transcultural Theory, cultural values ​​developed by individuals directly influence their relationship with health and self-care. In this way, the objective was through this to report a health education action that took place within the scope of primary care, whose proposal involved the mitigation of SAH problems from an intervention based on Transcultural Nursing. In addition to this, the Theory of Problematization was used, which has five stages for situational analysis and elaboration of interventions, namely: Observation of Reality; Survey of key points; Theorization; Solution and Application Hypotheses to Reality. This study is characterized as descriptive with a qualitative approach, of the experience report type, in which a cycle of activities related to cultural influences in daily habits and their relationship with diseases of the disease was organized, as well as about the importance of self-care. The main results showed that many hypertensive users had uncontrolled blood pressure and that, many times, this change was due to the continuity of harmful habits to health, which were directly linked to cultural factors. Thus, the study of this theme proved to be essential, since it broadened the view of health of the participants involved, enabling the practice of diligent and effective self-care.


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How to Cite

PANZETTI, T. M. N. .; QUARESMA, M. de S.; SILVA, J. M. L. da .; SALES, F. S. R. de .; SALDANHA, I. C. da S. .; VULCÃO, L. C. P. .; CARVALHO, M. A. .; SANTOS, L. F. S. .; ALMEIDA, J. M. de .; DIAS, A. de C. L. .; MONTEIRO, Y. C. .; SILVA, L. C. da .; ROCHA, S. G. . Leininger’s cross-cultural nursing in mitigating the problems of systemic arterial hypertension. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 9, p. e458997408, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i9.7408. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/7408. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Health Sciences