Democratic management and the Pedagogical Political Project: practices and contradictions of the school reality in Goianésia do Pará/PA




Pedagogical political project; Democratic management; Participation.


The discussion that permeates the understanding of democratic management and the importance of the School's Pedagogical Political Project is important, since much is said about this project and little is known about its relevance for contemporary schools. The research had as object of study "The causes of the effective non-participation of the diverse actors in the development of the projects planned by the school during the school year" and, as objectives: to investigate the factors that have caused the non-participation of the different actors in the culmination of the school projects developed over the course of the school year, in addition to detecting whether the school develops democratic management along the lines provided for by the legislation in force, Law No. 9394/96. The research has a qualitative approach, using Teixeira and Thiollent as a theoretical and methodological basis. The bibliographical theoretical aspect was supported by authors such as: Dalmás, Libâneo, Paro, Veiga, Luck and others who dialogue with the field of study. The research pointed to a flaw in the participation of teachers in the execution of projects, suggesting a game of contradiction. The absence of a professional has a negative implication on school’s pedagogical issues. In practice, a school management is marked by an effort to achieve a democratic posture, since all participation mechanisms are provided in order to guarantee collective involvement, with no centralization of power. Even so there are still gaps regarding the act of managing from a democratic perspective.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, L. P. de . Democratic management and the Pedagogical Political Project: practices and contradictions of the school reality in Goianésia do Pará/PA. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 12, p. e1309129692, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i12.9692. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Education Sciences