Clinical and epidemiological characterization of newborns in intensive care



Palabras clave:

Neonatal ICU; Newborn; Hospital Service for Admission of Patients.


This is a descriptive, exploratory, documentary study, with a quantitative approach to data. The objective sought to describe the causes that lead newborns to be admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The data collection took place in april 2018 and the sample consisted of 108 medical records for the year 2017 of a Public Maternity Hospital in Caxias, Maranhão. The causes of hospitalization of newborns in the NICU have a predominance of Respiratory Discomfort Syndrome (RDS) together with prematurity (22%), followed by respiratory distress syndrome (21.3%) and prematurity (12.0%), but, in isolation. And there was a prevalence of males (56, 48%), underweight (55.56) and 85.6% of newborns remained in the NICU between 1 to 15 days. As for the correlation of the variables addressed in this study, the cause of admission to the NICU / weight (p= 0, 003*), was the only one that showed a significant association. The study contributes with precise information on the main causes of hospitalization in the NICU, enabling it to recognize deficiencies and plan specific health actions.


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Cómo citar

SOUZA, L. L. de; SANTOS, M. B. L. dos; SOUSA, F. das C. A. de; SILVA, I. S. da; ARAÚJO, F. L. de; SILVA, I. A.; COUTINHO, A. K. M.; LEÃO, L. M. A. C. A.; SILVA, E. V. S. e; VIANA, V. A. O.; RESENDE, A. K. M.; OLIVEIRA, L. R.; COSTA, E. F.; SILVA, J. P. da; MACEDO, L. S. Clinical and epidemiological characterization of newborns in intensive care. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e731986198, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.6198. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



Ciencias de la salud