O uso do método de exercícios de perguntas e respostas para aumentar o entusiasmo pelo estudo da educação cristã em direitos humanos como material de bênção de Deus no Ensino Médio 1 Bandar 2018/2019
Estude entusiasmado; Metodologia de exercícios de perguntas e respostas; Educação cristã.Resumo
This study aims to know the enhancement of 12th grade science 1 students’ study enthusiastic of Christian education on Human Right as God’s Blessing material using question and answer exercise method with action class research. The data analysis are done in either quantitative or qualitative methodology which obtained from observation result, interview and journal. The analysis is using interactive qualitative method to find out students’ response and enhancement. The result showed that this question and answer exercise method could increase students’ enthusiastic of Christian education which seen through the percentage of students’ enthusiastic which boost on 75% and relevant with the present theory. The after treatment result showed the enhancement on students’ enthusiastic from 25% (9 students) to be 55% (19 students) in first cycle and 75% (25 students) in the second cycle. Even if there were some weakness found in the first cycle but after conducting reflection and refinement, the learning process in second cycle could reach the target standard. Hence, it can be concluded that the question and answer exercise method could enhance students’ enthusiastic in Christian education.
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