Resposta cardiovascular e de óxido nítrico após contração isométrica voluntária máxima em adolescentes com e sem Síndrome de Down
Síndrome de down; Exercício isométrico; Pressão arterial; Óxido nítrico; Adolescentes.Resumo
This study was designed to compare the cardiovascular and nitric oxide (NO) responses to maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) with different muscle groups (leg press [LEP] and isometric handgrip [IHG] exercise) of adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) and age-matched non-DS peers. We also compared the absolute and relative IHG strength between groups. Eleven adolescents with DS (14.1 ± 1.0 years) and ten without DS (13.7 ± 1.25 years) participants performed two experimental sessions of LEP and IHG exercises: 1) familiarization session and 2) 3 attempts x 5-sec contraction at MVIC with 3-min rest interval. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and NO were collected at rest, immediately post exercise session, and 10-min post-exercise. Measurement saliva NO was performed using the Griess colorimetric method. There were no differences for cardiovascular or NO responses between groups for MVIC. However, DS had a lower but not significantly cardiovascular response at rest and after MVIC tests than those without DS. The DS group displayed a higher NO- concentration at rest, recovery and after IHG when compared to non-DS (P < 0.05). In addition, adolescents with DS had a lower level in absolute and relative IHG strength when compared to those without DS (P = 0.001). Individuals with DS display a lower cardiovascular response at rest and after MVIC tests and a higher NO response after exercise when compared to the group without DS.
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