As implicações da pandemia Covid-19: Repercussões sobre as atividades acadêmico-científicas de docentes de pós-graduação stricto senso em Engenharia de Produção da região sudeste do Brasil




Pós-graduação stricto sensu; Trabalho docente; Engenharia de produção; Impactos Covid-19.


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a series of challenges and transformations to various sectors of society, including higher education. This article presents part of the results of a study that investigated the implications of this phenomenon on the work of a group of faculty members assigned to stricto sensu graduate programs in Industrial Engineering in the Southeast region. These programs play a direct role in training highly specialized professionals, either for the field of scientific research and/or the business environment. On a national scale, the Southeast region significantly accounts for 57% of these programs. By analyzing the changes, adaptations, challenges, learning experiences, and gains in the context of the pandemic, the study sheds light on the various facets of the manifestation of this event, covering topics and situations typical of the work of faculty members operating at this educational level. The article highlights the repercussions on the teaching, research, and outreach activities of the faculty by identifying the need for adaptations and revisions, as well as implications related to the development of remote work. The study was conducted with the support of a literature review and a qualitative field survey. It involved 55 faculty members from 11 programs in the mentioned region. Data collection took place online under the supervision of one of the article's authors and was carried out in May 2023. The study is linked to research investigating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the work of faculty members, specifically in the field of Industrial Engineering in stricto sensu postgraduate programs.


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Como Citar

MALUF, E. B. .; CORRÊA, D. A. . As implicações da pandemia Covid-19: Repercussões sobre as atividades acadêmico-científicas de docentes de pós-graduação stricto senso em Engenharia de Produção da região sudeste do Brasil. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 12, p. e135121243150, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i12.43150. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


