Intercropping arugula with aromatic condiment species affords better yields, biological efficiency and financial return




Eruca sativa Miller; Petroselinum crispum; Coriandrum sativum; Allium tuberosum; Biological efficiency.


Intercropping affords an increase in productivity by optimising the area used, as well as maximising input use efficiency the financial return of intercroping systems was higher than that observed in the respective individual cultures. Here we show prominently that the financial return of the consortium systems was higher than that observed in the respective individual cultures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic parameters, biological and productive efficiency, and economic performance of arugula under a single and intercropped system. The study was conducted at the Teaching Garden of the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil, in a randomised block design, with four replications and seven treatments: T1 (single arugula), T2 (arugula intercropped with coriander), T3 (arugula intercropped with parsley), T4 (arugula intercropped with garlic chives), T5 (single coriander), T6 (single parsley) and T7 (single garlic chives). Phytotechnical evaluations were carried out. Biological efficiency was evaluated based on the following factors: land use efficiency index or land equivalent ratio (LER), relative contribution of the arugula crop to the LER (CRC), area time equivalent ratio (RAET) and system productivity index (IPS). For the economic analysis, the following were evaluated: operational production costs (OC; BRL ha-1), gross revenue (GR; BRL ha-1), gross profit (GP; BRL ha-1), rate of return (RR; %) and profitability index (PI;%). The system based on arugula intercropped with coriander showed the best agronomic performance and biological efficiency. Productivity and economic advantage under this intercropped system were also superior to the other treatments.


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How to Cite

VIANA, C. dos S.; GUIMARÃES, M. de A.; LEMOS NETO, H. de S.; LIMA NETO, B. P. .; SAMPAIO, Ítalo M. G. .; HENDGES, A. R. A. de A. .; RABELO, J. da S. . Intercropping arugula with aromatic condiment species affords better yields, biological efficiency and financial return. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. e21910313237, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i3.13237. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences