Adaptation and content validation of the scale for the use of digital technologies in school management




Technologies in education; School headmaster; School management; Multidimensional scale; Translation, adaptation and content validation.


Objective: to translate, adapt and validate the content of the scale for the use of technologies in school management from European Portuguese into Brazilian Portuguese. Methodology: the methodological process was oriented in the following order: i) permission request to adapt the scale; ii) translation of the scale from the European Portuguese language into the Brazilian Portuguese language; iii) adaptation by consensus of the translated content; iv) validation of the adapted content, which was performed by three judges, experts in the topic and context of the study through  the Content Validity Coefficient (CVC), and v) agreement of the scale’ authors on the final version of the scale. Results: the CVC mean of the 3 expert rates, subtracted as a whole by the Standard Error (SE) of the rates' differences was 0.98. Regarding the Concordance of the items, the CVCt value was 1.0. The Coherence of the items showed a CVCt value of 1.0. The Objectivity of the items registered a CVCt value of 1.0. In the Pertinence of the items, the CVCt value was 0.9. In the Adequacy of items content parameter, a CVCt value of 1.0 was registered. Conclusion: the objective of this study was successfully achieved considering the average of the CVC of the 3 expert evaluators was 0.98. Considering the literature indication, the closer the CVCt is to 1.0, the higher the content reliability is.

Author Biographies

Antoniel Borges Gonçalves, Universidade de Lisboa

PhD student in Education, specializing in ICT in Education - University of Lisbon - Portugal. Master in Education in the Specialty in Digital Technologies - University of Lisbon - Portugal. Graduated and graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Brazil.

Neuza Pedro, Universidade de Lisboa

D. in ICT in Education, Master in Educational Psychology. Assistant Professor with Aggregation at the Institute of Education-University of Lisbon since 2010. Coordinator of the E-learning Program of the University of Lisbon. Currently teaching 'Fundamentals of E-learning', 'Training in Learning Management Systems', 'Social network analysis' and 'Research Methods in Education' in Masters and PhD courses.


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES, A. B. .; PEDRO, N. . Adaptation and content validation of the scale for the use of digital technologies in school management. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 4, p. e12012441043, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i4.41043. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Teaching and Education Sciences