Creation and development of a Permanent Health Education Observatory of Ceará




Education Continuing; Health Observatory; Health communication.


Objective: to develop the stages of creation and implementation of the Observatory of Permanent Health Education in Ceará. Methodology: a methodological study was carried out. For this study, the first stage of a methodological study (construction stage) was used. Results: the information that includes the results regarding the creation and implementation of the Observatory are described through thematic categories: (1) Prototype Ideation; (2) Health Information Mining; (3) The website. In category indicators were created, which are: data from profession councils; institutions that were; number of continuing education in health; maps of health residences in Ceará; SUS management data in Ceará; Ceará Municipal Health Councils; and Hospital Studies Centers. Final considerations: with the creation and development of the Observatory, it is believed that the experiences of teaching-service-community integration are of great relevance, not only for the Observatory, but for the valuation and development of Permanent Health Education practices in Ceará. , strengthening and disseminating what was previously only present in a certain field so that it can favor innovation and growth in this area.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, M. L. dos .; ABREU, L. D. P. de .; PEREIRA, A. G. C. .; SANTOS, A. P. dos .; CARVALHO, J. A. de .; CHAVES, M. D. .; RODRIGUES, C. B. .; SAMPAIO, J. V. .; NERIO, V. R. P. .; MOREIRA, F. J. F. . Creation and development of a Permanent Health Education Observatory of Ceará. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 11, p. e591101120050, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i11.20050. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences