Chemical profile and antimicrobial activity of abarema cochliacarpos




Abarema cochliacarpos; Leaves, biological activity; Cytotoxic analysis; Phenolic compounds.


Abarema cochliacarpos is an endemic species from Brazil, it belongs to the Fabaceae family and is popularly known as barbatimão, being present in the Brazilian caatinga and cerrado. In Sergipe, its use is in the form of teas for anti-inflammatory and healing activities. As objects of this study, the leaves of the plant were used in order to qualitatively know the chemical constituents of the fractions obtained from the crude extract: chloroform fraction (FCL), hexane fraction (FHX), ethyl acetate fraction (FAE) and hydromethanolic fraction ( FHM) through phytochemical prospection by colorimetric assays, being detected the presence of secondary metabolites such as phenols, tannins, flavonols, catechins, steroids, triterpenoids and saponins. In the antimicrobial analysis, only two fractions showed inhibition halos. The FAE for Staphylococcus aureus (19.3 mm), Enterococcus durans hirae (10 mm), derived Escherichia coli (9.6 mm) and derived Pseudomonas aeruginosa (15 mm) strains, and the FCL for the E. durans strain hirae (9 mm). In the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) the FAE excelled with 12.5 µg.mL-1 for S. aureus and E. durans, while the FCL obtained 25 µg.mL-1 for E. durans. As for the cytotoxic analysis, FAE at the concentrations tested did not favor cell viability in 75%, showing antiproliferative capacity, except for FLC at 20 µg.mL-1. FAE and FCL showed antioxidant properties and obtained an antimicrobial effect, in addition to having metabolites that corroborate these functions.

Author Biographies

Pietra Alexia Lima dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Graduated in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Sergipe (2017), Master in Biotechnology of Natural Products (2020) from the Federal University of Sergipe. She was part of the research body of the CHEMISTRY LABORATORY OF NATURAL PRODUCTS AND BIOCHEMISTRY (LQPNB), in which she developed scientific initiation projects (2012-2015) and technological initiation (2016-2017). Currently, she is part of the staff of the Instituto de Estudos e Pesquisa Humaniza, completing the Hospital Pharmacist staff.

Ludmila Cruz dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Graduated in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Sergipe. Master in Post-Graduation Program in Biotechnology- Probio

Rôas de Araujo Costa, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Bachelor in Nutrition by the Tiradentes University - UNIT/SE (2015), Master in Physiological Sciences by the Federal Sergipe University - UFS (2017). Professor of the College of Nutrição da Faculdade Ages - BA. He acted as instructor of the Nutrition course belonging to the National Program for the Inclusion of Youth-PROJOVEM TRABALHADOR. Not in higher education, he works teaching disciplines in various areas of nutritional science including nutrition and metabolism, collective health, diet therapy, sports nutrition and experimental nutrition. He has experience in research involving natural products, phytotherapics, physical exercise, determination of oxidative stress and antioxidants through in vivo and in vitro methods.

Adriana dos Santos Estevam, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Bachelor of Nursing from the Federal University of Alagoas/ UFAL (2002-2007). Doctorate in Renorbio Biotechnology / UFS (2019), Master in Parasitic Biology from the Federal University of Sergipe / UFS (2016-2018). Specialist in Occupational Nursing, Mental Health/ Psychosocial Care, Public Health and Stomach Therapy. Professional experience in the area of Nursing in the Assistance field at Surgical Hospital (2007-2016) and Primavera Hospital (2008 - 2010). Acting as a Nurse in the Health Strategy Program for the Family of the Municipality of Nossa Senhora Aparecida (2007-2010). Professor at the Estacio de Sergipe Faculty (2012-2018). Currently, she carries out research activities in Health Biotechnology at the Federal University of Sergipe.

Mário Rodrigues Pereira da Silva, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Graduated in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Alagoas? UFAL (2016); Master's degree in Science and Materials Engineering from the Federal University of Sergipe (2018) and is currently a doctorate in Science and Materials Engineering from the Federal University of Sergipe - UFS. I have been developing since 2021 teaching activity in the area of Production Engineering, acting as a volunteer professor.

Igor Adriano de Oliveira Reis, Instituto Federal de Sergipe

Igor Adriano de Oliveira Reis graduated in Food Engineering from the Federal University of Sergipe in 2007. Post-graduated in Occupational Safety Engineering from the Tiradentes University in 2009. Master in Food Science and Technology from the Federal University of Sergipe. He has experience in the area of Food Science and Technology, with an emphasis on Waste Management for the Minimum Processing of Fruits and Vegetables. Professor in Process Engineering in the area of concentration in the Use and Transformation of Agricultural Resources by the University of Tiradentes. Working mainly on the following topics: extraction, biphasic aqueous system. Broker of the Teaching Productivity Program of the Federal Institute of Sergipe - PPD (Edited 31/2016/PROPEX/IFS). Coordinator of the Master's Post-graduation Program in Vocational and Technological Education (PROFEPT).

Jeison Saturnino de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Graduated in Physiotherapy (1996-2000), Master in Morphological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2002-2004) and Doctorate in Biotechnology - Federal University of Sergipe - UFS (2010-2014). Currently he is Associate Professor of Human Anatomy at the Morphology Department of the Federal University of Sergipe-UFS; He guides students of scientific initiation (PIBIC) and monitoring in the discipline of Human Anatomy. Currently, he maintains technical-scientific collaboration with researchers from various teaching / research institutions in the country. He has works published in national and international newspapers in the areas of Muscular Injury and Regeneration; Biotechnology in Health and Therapeutic Innovation; and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Brancilene Santos de Araujo, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Possessed a technical course in Industrial Chemistry (1993), and a bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Alagoas (1998) and completed a Master's degree in Chemistry and Biotechnology also from the Federal University of Alagoas (2000). Obtained a Doctorate in Chemistry and Biotechnology from the Federal University of Alagoas with a sandwich period at the Pennsylvania State University in 2003. I have experience in the area of Chemistry, with an emphasis in Environmental Chemistry, working mainly on the following topics: phytoremediation, analysis of phenolic composts and use of enzymes in environmental decontamination. He has experience in chromatographic methods (CCD, HPLC, GC), spectrophotometric methods, extraction, isolation and analysis of substances, as well as biotechnological methods (tissue culture, enzymology, in vitro elicitation). Currently, she is Deputy Coordinator of the Post-Graduation Program in Biotechnology (PROBIO).

Waldecy de Lucca Junior, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

1999 - Bachelor of Biological Sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto; 2002 - Master in Physiological Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto; 2003 - Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto; 2006 - Doctorate in Physiological Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto; 2007 - Post-Doctorate in molecular biology by the Oregon Health and Science University (Oregon-USA); 2009 - Associate Professor of the Department of Morphology of the Federal University of Sergipe.

Charles dos Santos Estevam, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Research Productivity Scholarship (PQ-CNPq); He holds a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL 1998); Specialization in Chemistry (UFAL 2000); Master's in Chemistry and Biotechnology - Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL 2001); PhD in Chemistry and Biotechnology - Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL 2006); Doctoral Internship at the Biological Chemistry Laboratory of the Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche of the Universitá degli studi de Salerno - Italy (UNISA IT 2005); Post-Doctorate in Biological Chemistry Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche at the Universitá degli studi de Salerno - Italy (UNISA IT 2009) using Hyphenated techniques. Associate Professor IV Exclusive Dedication in the Biochemistry discipline of the Department of Physiology DFS/CCBS of the Federal University of Sergipe since 2006, Head of the Department of Physiology (2009 to 2013), Coordinator of the Pharmacy Course (2009 to 2012), Coordinator of Rede-Nordestina Biotechnology (RENORBIO- Sergipe) from 2013 to 2016; member of the Council of CCBS/UFS (2009 to 2016), Member of the University Council (CONSU 2010 to 2012), Vice-Director of CCBS/UFS (2013 to 2017); Coordinator of International Relations (POSGRAP-UFS) 2017-2020. Has experience in Chemistry, with emphasis on Chemistry of Natural Products, working mainly on the following topics: Use of Chromatographic Techniques: High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Isolation and Quantification of High polarity compounds with Antioxidant Action.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, P. A. L. dos .; SANTOS, L. C. dos .; COSTA, R. de A. .; ESTEVAM, A. dos S. .; SILVA, M. R. P. da .; REIS, I. A. de O. .; OLIVEIRA, J. S. de .; ARAUJO, B. S. de .; LUCCA JUNIOR, W. de .; SANTOS, S. B. dos .; ESTEVAM, C. dos S. . Chemical profile and antimicrobial activity of abarema cochliacarpos. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. e22911427226, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i4.27226. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences