English pronunciation on YouTube channels focused on teaching English to Brazilians





Pronunciation; Intelligibility; YouTube; English teaching.


This study aimed at investigating how pronunciation is approached by two YouTube channels focused on teaching English to Brazilians with more than 600,000 followers as well as identifying the interest of Brazilians in the subject through the number of views and likes of the videos. The channels were ‘Ask Jackie’, presented by an American called Jackie, with 717,000 followers and 24,117,582 views, and the channel ‘Tia do Inglês’, presented by a Brazilian called Marcela, with 681,000 followers and 25,124,066 views at the moment of data collection. The videos dealing with pronunciation were selected and evaluated following quantitative and qualitative criteria. The results indicated that in terms of the percentage of videos that deal with pronunciation, Ask Jackie has 9.1% (17 out of 187 videos) and ‘Tia do Inglês’ has 2.6% (15 out of 572 videos). In both channels the videos with the most views and likes do not focus on pronunciation. The pronunciation items that appear the most in both channels are videos with words in general whose pronunciation is difficult for Brazilians. Pronunciation is addressed in both channels using the repetition of standard pronunciation focusing on articulatory demonstration and also on possible deviant pronunciations, the use of phonemes is only done by the American youtuber and both resorted to Portuguese. The study also mentions how intelligibility, error and diversity in pronunciation are addressed in the videos.

Author Biography

Tatiane Solange Kobs, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Especialista em Ensino de Língua Inglesa (IFSC)


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How to Cite

KOBS, T. S.; BETTONI, M. English pronunciation on YouTube channels focused on teaching English to Brazilians. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 5, p. e46611528543, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i5.28543. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/28543. Acesso em: 1 oct. 2024.



Education Sciences