Spanish language teaching-learning in the context of PTE: a possible reality with a creative and dialogic praxis




Teaching; Gamification; Active Methodologies; Diagnosis.


The way to think about education and make it happen changes over time, especially because there is a goal to keep up with the resignification of new beliefs and values. Therefore, for educational objectives to reach their intended outcome, there must also be an evolution of the way to teach, adapting strategies, methodologies, resources and didactics. The goal of this study was to diagnose the pedagogic practice of teachers of different fields in the Federal Institute of Alagoas, at the Maragogi and Piranhas campi, seeking to understand whether teachers in these locations use interdisciplinarity and active methodologies as teaching strategies in their practice. We carried out a diagnostic study to better understand how teachers develop activities that enable dialogic praxis between the different areas in the Integrated Intermediate Level Course in Agroecology. The research methodology was divided into three stages: analysis of the Integrated Technical Course Plans in Agroecology (PPCs); application of a semi-structured questionnaire with teachers in the technical area of the course; application of a semi-structured questionnaire with Spanish language teachers of the aforementioned course. The findings indicated the need to create didactic material that addresses the interdisciplinarity between the areas, since there is a scarcity of material available in the market.


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How to Cite

COIMBRA, R. P. das C. .; FIORI, A. P. S. de M. Spanish language teaching-learning in the context of PTE: a possible reality with a creative and dialogic praxis . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 7, p. e52111730273, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i7.30273. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



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