The use of a mobile app aimed at child healthcare education: a systematic review




Mobile Apps; Child; Health.


Objective: Analyzing the use of a mobile application aimed at child healthcare education. Method: This is a thematic review of a quantitative approach, for the elaboration of the guiding question, the PICOS strategy was developed. The question is elucidated: Are mobile apps effective for child-based healthcare education? Data collection took place in 2017, in the following languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish from the VHL in the database: MEDLINE, in the PUBMED Portal, MEDLINE database, CAPES portal and CINAHL database. The MESH was used: “mobile applications,” “child” and “health” interconnected to the Boolean operators AND and OR. The inclusion criteria were being freely available full texts, published between 2014 and 2017, more scientific evidence research such as randomized clinical trials, case study and methodological research. Exclusion criteria: texts without fundamental references and papers that do not present abstracts in the databases. Results: A total of 53 publications were analyzed after the selected filters, including 15 articles according to categories: author, year, type of study and outcome. For the selection of the studies, the answer to the guide question and the evidence of the studies were considered. Most were randomized controlled trial and published between 2015 and 2017. Conclusion: It is needed to build, validate and apply mobile applications aimed at education and health promotion of children. These should be implemented and monitored in so that their effectiveness with regard to disease prevention and sustainability can be measured.

Author Biographies

Kelly Teles Oliveira, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau de Juazeiro do Norte

Nurse. Master in Child and Adolescent Health (UECE). Specialist in Urgency and Emergency Nursing (FIP-PB); Surgical center and medical clinic (São Camilo-ES); Teaching for professional education (SENAC). Professor at the Maurício de Nassau University Center in Juazeiro do Norte (UNINASSAU). Nurse at the Regional Hospital of Cajazeiras-PB. Line of research: Health education; Technology; Member of the Collective Health Research Group and SUS Technology Research Group (GPTSUS) (URCA-CE).

Marivânia Monteiro Alves, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau de Juazeiro do Norte

Nursing student at the Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau de Juazeiro do Norte (UNINASSAU). Member of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group (GPCLIN/URCA/CNPq), whose line of research is Theoretical and philosophical foundations in the nursing care process.

Vitória Hellen Caetano da Silva, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau de Juazeiro do Norte

Nursing student at the Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau de Juazeiro do Norte (UNINASSAU).

Joanalice Parente Pimentel Lossio, Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial

Nurse from the University of Fortaleza (2008). She is currently an Instructor in the area of health-National Commercial Learning Service (SENAC-CE). She worked as an assistant nurse in a medical clinic unit, Intensive Care Unit and Emergency sector. She has experience in Nursing, with an emphasis on Adult and Elderly Health Nursing, ICU and Teaching Nursing. Acting mainly on the following topics: teaching, nursing, care and EAD.

Itamara da Costa Sousa, Universidade Regional do Cariri

Nurse. Master in Nursing from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), working in research with an emphasis on child/adolescent health and health education for health promotion.

Virlene Galdino de Freitas, Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial

Nurse, graduated from the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - UFCG (2010). Master in Nursing by the Academic Master's Program in Nursing - PMAE (2019 - 2021). Specialist in Teaching for Professional Education by the post-graduation lato sensu EAD-Ce Unit (2015). Specialist in Intensive Care Unit - ICU from Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú - UVA (2012). Member of the Diabettes Mellitus Research Group - GPEDIAM / URCA. Performance with emphasis in the areas of adult ICU and Non-communicable Chronic Diseases (Diabetes Mellitus). Experience in teaching Nursing in hospital care: medical and surgical clinic (theory and practice). Nurse Professor at the Departamento de Enfermagem do Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial - (SENAC-CE).

Antonio Germane Alves Pinto, Univeridade Regional do Cariri

Nurse from the State Universidade Estadual do Ceará-UECE (1999). Specialist in Family Health-UECE (2002) and in Professional Education by the National School of Public Health-FIOCRUZ (2003). Master in Clinical Health Care-UECE (2008). PhD in Collective Health-UECE (2013). Post-Doctorate in Education-PPGE-UECE (2019). Adjunct Professor at the Universidade Regional do Cariri-URCA/CE. Member of the International Academy of Nursing Poets and Writers. Founding member of Associação Brasileira de Saúde Mental (ABRASME). He worked as a nurse in the Family Health Strategy in the cities of Iguatu and Itapajé, Ceará, between 2000 and 2006. He has experience in the areas and themes: Family Health Strategy, Health Education, Mental Health and Psychosocial Care, Production of Health Care, Continuing Education, Comprehensiveness and Networks, Participatory Research for the SUS and Academic Management. He is currently a professor at the URCA Nursing Graduate Course, in Crato / CE; Permanent Professor of the Graduate Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde da Família (PPGSF) of the Rede Nordeste de Formação em Saúde da Família (RENASF) - Nucleadora URCA, Academic Master's Degree in Nursing at URCA and Professional Master's Degree in Health Education (CMEPES) at UECE . Director of Nursing Education of the  Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem (ABEn) - Ceará Section, Management 2020-2022. Researcher of the Brazilian Grupo Brasileiro de Estudos sobre Multimorbidade (GBEM) at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas/RS - UFPEL and Leader/Researcher Grupo de Pesquisa - Clínica, Cuidado e Gestão em Saúde (GPCLIN) - URCA. Scholarship-Researcher of the Scholarship Program for Productivity in Research, Stimulus to Interiorization and Technological Innovation (BPI) of the Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (FUNCAP).

Sabrina Martins Alves, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau de Juazeiro do Norte

Nurse from the State Universidade Estatadual do Ceará (2006), specialist in Quality and Safety in Patient Care from Hospital Sírio Libanês, specialist in Teaching in Higher Education from Faculdade Juazeiro do Norte, specialist in Urgency, Emergency and Intensive Care from Faculdade de Juazeiro do Norte. She is currently a cooperative nurse at the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU), Coordinator and Professor of the Nursing Graduate Course at the Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau de Juazeiro do Norte (UNINASSAU), Master's student in Health Sciences at the Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC).

José Rômulo Cavalcante Prata Júnior, Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau de Juazeiro do Norte

He holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the Universidade Regional do Cariri (2011) and a specialization in TEACHER TRAINING FOR HIGHER EDUCATION from the Faculdade de Juazeiro do Norte (2017). He is currently a professor at the Faculty of Juazeiro do Norte. He has experience in the field of Immunology, with an emphasis on Applied Immunology.

Maria Corina Amaral Viana, Universidade Regional do Cariri

Post-Doctorate in Clinical Care in Nursing and Health at the State University of Ceará. PhD in Nursing from the Anna Nery School of Nursing at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Sandwich Doctorate at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Master in Nursing from the Federal University of Ceará. Master of Business Administration in Economics and Health Technology Assessment from USP/FIPE/Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz. Adjunct Professor at the Regional University of Cariri. Leader of the Research Group Health Technologies in the Unified Health System (GPTSUS) URCA/CNPq. Coordinator of the Center for Technological Innovation (NIT), Center for Evidence-Informed Policies (Nev) and the Center for Health Technology Assessment (NATS) URCA. Expertise in the area of ​​Work Management and Education in Health, Evaluation of Health Technologies, Health and Evidence-Based Nursing, Organ Procurement and Transplantation, Intensive Care, Emergency, Cardiology and Neurology. She was a State Health Counselor. He served as a member of the Ethics Committee for Research on Human Beings of the Health Department of the State of Ceará (SESA) and URCA. Acted as Tutor of the Intermediate EAD Course on Health Technology Assessment for SUS Managers at HAOC/PROADI_SUS/MS and Introductory Course on Informed Health Policies at Rede Evipnet - BIREME PAHO. Worked at SESA's Health Technology Assessment Center. Member and Add Hoc Consultant of the Brazilian Health Technology Assessment Network (REBRATS) representing GPTSUS-URCA. Member of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAI). He is a member of the Editorial Board of Revista Sanare da UVA and Cadernos de Cultura e Ciência da URCA. Reviewer of the journals Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, Revista Saú, International Nursing Review.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, K. T. .; ALVES, M. M. .; SILVA, V. H. C. da .; LOSSIO, J. P. P. .; SOUSA, I. da C. .; FREITAS, V. G. de .; PINTO, A. G. A. .; ALVES, S. M. .; PRATA JÚNIOR, J. R. C. .; VIANA, M. C. A. . The use of a mobile app aimed at child healthcare education: a systematic review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 16, p. e82111637717, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i16.37717. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.



Review Article