The relationship between intern student of pastoral counselling spiritual services and the needs fulfilment of Inmates




Relationship; Spititual service; Spiriutal needs.


This study aims to see how the relationship between aspects of spiritual service for students of PPL Pastoral Counseling Study Program IAKN Tarutung with fulfillment of spiritual needs of Christian inmates in prison class II Pematang Siantar variable which is about aspects of service spirituality and spiritual needs This research is correlational to see how the relationship between the two variables. From the results of data processing, researchers found that there is 1) a positive and significant relationship between aspects of spiritual service of Christian inmates PPL students in class II prison students in class II prison in Pematang Siantar in 2019 with the correlation value is 0,75 with p˂0,1. 2) A positive and significant relationship between each aspect. The correlation values of each aspect are 0,575 (with p˂0,01), 0,551 (with p˂,01), 0,666 (with p˂0,01) and 0,400 (with p˂0,01). This explains that this research can be said that the higher the Christian spiritual service, the higher the fulfillment of spiritual needs. From the results of this researcher, it is suggested that the prison can continue to give permission to the spiritual services conducted by Tarutung IAKN students.


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How to Cite

SIMORANGKIR, J. The relationship between intern student of pastoral counselling spiritual services and the needs fulfilment of Inmates. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 9, p. e87995680, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i9.5680. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.



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