Gamification in Mathematics Teaching: from Paraná's Curricular Guidelines to classroom, via Teaching Work Plan


  • Merris Mozer Universidade Norte do Paraná
  • Eliza Adriana Sheuer Nantes UNOPAR



Game; Technology; Facebook.


The objective of the present article is to present the partial results of a work that integrates the line of research “Teaching of Languages and its Technologies” (PPGENS/UNOPAR) and aims to elaborate and apply, in the classroom, a Teaching Work Plan, suggested by the Curricular Guidelines of the State of Paraná, having as programmatic content the theory of plane geometry, in Mathematics classes. The research is justified by the difficulties of the students of the 6th and 7th years of elementary school, related to this programmatic content. Thus, through a qualitative research, applied through action research, we adopt gamification as a tool, in favor of the teaching and learning process, aiming at linking theory and practice. The epistemological construct deals with the theory of the gamification and teaching. After the application of a Teaching Work Plan, the result indicated the proficiency of the classroom games, with a significant increase in students’ interest and motivation concerning their studies, as well as an appropriation of area concepts that are essential for the student’s education.

Author Biography

Eliza Adriana Sheuer Nantes, UNOPAR

Possui graduação em Letras pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina; Especialização em Língua Portuguesa; Mestrado e Doutorado em Estudos da Linguagem pela mesma Universidade. É professora da Universidade Norte do Paraná (PPGENS-UNOPAR). Atua na graduação e pós-graduação com os temas: ensino, linguagem, tecnologia e análise linguística (via gêneros discursivos). Participa dos Grupos de Pesquisa: Linguagens, Tecnologia e Ensino, UNOPAR-CNPq e FELIP-Formação e Ensino em Língua Portuguesa, UEL-CNPq . Coordena os projetos de pesquisa "Gêneros discursivos: uma investigação das práticas de letramento e multiletramento na esfera escolar", "Os Gêneros Midiáticos como práticas de letramento e multiletramento na escola" (UNOPAR-FUNADESP) e ?A exploração do fórum em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem enquanto ferramenta para o ensino" (UNOPAR-CNPq).



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How to Cite

MOZER, M.; NANTES, E. A. S. Gamification in Mathematics Teaching: from Paraná’s Curricular Guidelines to classroom, via Teaching Work Plan. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 4, p. e4584883, 2019. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v8i4.883. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Education Sciences